aktualizováno | 19.04.2022 14:13:37 | edda | přečteno: 4444x
Rallye Prague Revival 2022, cup of legends

Revival competition has been a competition of legends and foreign legends for ten years. However, after ten years, the number of older competitors is decreasing and the participation of foreign crews is also much higher. Therefore it is necessary to make changes in the rules of these cups.

Czechoslovak legends CSL:  if the crew member was active before the year 2000 in motorsport / go-karts, hills, speedway, rally, etc./ Jestliže člen posádky byl aktivní v motorsportu před rokem 2000  / motokáry, kopce, okruhy, plochá dráha apod./ Hodnotí se tři nejlepší posádky z absolutního pořadí bez penalizace za vůz, kromě posádek, které se umístily "na bedně" v klasické třídě. Tzn. může být oceněna posádka např. na 4,6,7 pořadí!
Foreign legends FL: if a crew member before the year 2000 participated in international events, or at least in the official championship of the country in motorsport disciplines
Old Boys, celebrities OBC:  
- foreign driver older than 65 years or co-driver older than 75 years.

   - or driver/co-odriver who participated in at least the European Championships or a similar series / DAKAR, NASCAR, etc./

  - furthermore, people who have achieved international fame 


The crew itself is responsible for registration in the relevant category. 

Každá posádka si musí sama zažádat o zapsání do daného poháru!
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